Category: In The Media
Latest Stories from the Media’s Coverage of Blue Light Science and Tech
Happy 2021 from the team at
Thank you for an amazing 2020, we wish you nothing but wellness and success in the year ahead. -Adri and the team at Reposted From: Source
FOX Connecticut: Students Concerned With Long-Term Effects of Blue Light
Most Americans spend nearly 11 hours each day focusing on screens. While this has multiple effects on social and mental health, people are worried about its effects on eyes as […]
Rochester Post-Bulletin’s Answer Man: Are Blue Light-Glasses any good?
From Rochester, Minnesota: Here’s one newspaper writer’s answer to a reader’s question on the effectiveness of blue light glasses. See the article below for more information. Answer Man: Do […]
ABC 15 Phoenix: “Are Blue Light Glasses Bull or No Bull?”
Phoenix, Arizona’s ABC 15 reports on whether bluelight glasses are “bull or no bull” in this segment. Blue light glasses have become a popular accessory for the work-from-home crowd during […]
The Medical Daily: Less Blue Light Could Mean More Sleep For Everyone
When you sleep, your body rests and your brain recharges. But the constant presence of sleep-blocking blue light in today’s electronics means that these days, your brain may not be […]
University of Mary Washington: Blue light glasses aiding students amid a virtual semester
From the University of Mary Washington: Colleges across the country are moving to online-only classes, which has caused many students to use digital devices for even longer periods of time […]
Forbes: New Research Finds Blue-Light Glasses Improve Workday Productivity
New research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology says that wearing blue light glasses while working may aid sleep, improve daily work, and may even aid business decisionmaking. This […]
THEBLUESPEC Purchase Protection Saves You When Life Happens
Let’s face it: life happens. At THEBLUESPEC, we understand that pets, coworkers, kids, and sometimes owners of glasses aren’t always as careful as they should be. That’s why we offer […]
Can Our Glasses Help You Slim Down? Actually, Yes.
As weird as it sounds, research suggests that the use of blue light glasses may have some long-reaching effects that aren’t usually talked about. This is NOT an Article About […]
How College Students Are Coping With Online-Only Learning in 2020
We Get Students’ Thoughts on School, Virtual Learning, and 2020. One of the biggest things everyone will remember about 2020- besides the entire world going crazy- is the worldwide transition […]